So guys, You will notice that everyone is very different went it comes the washing of their dreads. Many people use, just normal shampoo and no conditions, others will use Dread shampoo from specific Dread Care Shops online e.g. Weird sisters, Dolly Locks, Dr Bonners, Knotty boy, Dread Head Quarters and that is just to mention a few and then others will decide to just do the AV and bicarb soak. I personally used residue free shampoo to begin with as per the video, as time moved on, I change as you will see my journey progress.
I do a Deep cleanse once a month. See below details.
Dread lock Deep Cleanse
This baking soda (BS) soak/apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse is one of the best ways to deep clean your beautiful dreadlocks periodically. Some choice to do this soak weekly, monthly or even yearly. I would recommend doing it at least twice a year to get your locks good and clean and remove whatever your regular shampoo may by leaving behind!
◾1/2 – 3/4 cup baking soda
◾2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
Recommended but Optional
◾20 drops tea tree essential oil
◾40 drops rosemary essential oil
◾40 drops lavender essential oil
◾Basin (can be done in a sink, bucket, dishpan, etc.)
1.Place baking soda, 10 drops of tea tree oil, 20 drops of rosemary essential oil, and 20 drops of lavender essential oil into a basin so that the dreadlocks can be completely submerged in the solution.
2.Fill basin with water until its about 2/3-3/4 full, using your hand to break up any clumps in the bottom of the sink, bucket or dishpan..... be sure that everything is broken up well as you do not want chucks soaking into your dreads.
3.Once solution is completely smooth, fill the sink, bucket, dishpan the rest of the way until full.
4.Pour mixture over head (scrub only if desired) OR dunk your locks into the basin and let soak 10-30 minutes.
5.Rinse well
6.Pour ACV into same basin.
7.Add 10 drops of tea tree oil, 20 drops of rosemary essential oil, 20 drops of lavender essential oil, and water until full.
8.Let soak 3-5 minutes.
9.Rinse well.
Additional Tips:
If you add 1 Teaspoon of lemon juice this will help breakdown any current residue in the hair
Thyme essential oil helps to regulate oil production on your scalp
Do not that the following:
Use smaller amounts for a dishpan or bucket [10 – 15] and more for a sink [20].)
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To Your Success
Leisa Timms
Hippie Chick Trainer
Zumba / Fitness Coach
Success Education Entrepreneur
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