Success can be yours by utilizing this 7 day FREE E-COURSE
to enhance your future results; MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY,
Welcome to the first day of your new life! Over the next
seven days we are going to explore things you thought were
never possible. Guess what? They really are! How
exciting is that?
You may have come here for many different reasons, but the results can
all be the same: SUCCESS. Success for everyone can mean a lot of
different things, it could be money, social freedom, time with your
family, becoming your own boss, or even enhance what you are currently
doing. Maybe for you the change will mean you become the first
million dollar producer with your company or watching your child take
their first steps with you by their side. Success is a journey, over
the next week we are excited to help you take this journey and change your
life and results forever!
Our goal is to educate you on how to become successful and take action
to create the results you desire. In order to do this we will give
you words of success and example exercises to follow daily to create your
own success.
I want to thank you for joining me in this program, which will cover:
1. How you can actually achieve the goals you desire by changing your
thoughts, decisions, and actions.
2. How to apply these simple principles in your everyday life to change your results forever.
Each day we are going to walk you through a simple step by step process
that has changed thousands of lives and created success for many
people. We will give you exercises and situations that have been
utilized by people around the world for thousands of years. And finally,
we will give you the tools to start immediately and have an impact on your
life RIGHT NOW! So let's get started.
Lesson 1
Let's discuss results for a moment. Results can simply be that
you are not getting the raise you want or you can't spend the time
with your children that you and they deserve. The principles
and opportunities we are about to give you today will begin to
affect you and change the way you think immediately.
The definition of Insanity is - Doing the
same thing and expecting different results.
Wow, How many times do we expect our results to be different, yet we do
the same things day after day. In order for you to change your
actions you must first change the decisions you make. To change your
decisions you must change your thoughts.
Sounds simple right? Well let's look at this in an easy
formula for you to follow.
Thoughts +
Decisions +
Actions = RESULTS
So if you are not getting the results that you desire, you must go back
to the simple formula and change your thoughts. So by following this
formula, you can change and achieve the results and goals that you are
looking for in your life, work, and your relationships. In order for
this to happen you must take the steps
1. Create positive thoughts that you believe will get the
results you are
looking for.
2. Make immediate decisions on those thoughts.
3. Take immediate action to achieve the results you desire.
looking for.
2. Make immediate decisions on those thoughts.
3. Take immediate action to achieve the results you desire.
"Successful people make their decisions quickly and change
their minds slowly,
Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their mind quickly"
Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their mind quickly"
-Andy Andrews
In order to have the things in your life you desire, you must
be willing to change your thoughts. Before you can have anything
new in your life you must be GRATEFUL for the
things that you have today.
Write 10 things that you are grateful for: You can be
truly grateful about anything- your family, the weather, food, love,
a flower, or even a painting - you get the idea be personal with
your answers
This will not take much of your time, but you will recognize how much
you will evolve. Perception is reality. Your thoughts become your
reality and the way you perceive yourself. Your past results have been
reflections of your past thoughts.
Tomorrow we will expand on this and show you how this opportunity can
give you the success you want in the areas of your life that you believe
change is a necessity. This is setting the foundation for the next 6
days and opens your mind to the possibilities you never dreamed were
possible. Congratulations for making a decision to change your life
and the results you deserve.
Dare to Empower Yourself!
Grab Your FREE EBOOK in Success Strategies today
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To Your Success
Leisa Timms
Success Education Entrepreneur
Zumba / Fitness Coach
To Contact Leisa "Click Here"
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