Tuesday, 11 March 2014

BOOT the low Self-ESTEEM - The Symptoms and 5 ways to make change today!

Today we are going to be talking about Low Self-Esteem and the symptoms.  5 Ways in which to make Changes.


People with low self-esteem appear uncomfortable with success. They tend to believe that they don’t deserve success, and they have no clue as to how to savor success. At the same time, they do not hesitate to blame themselves if things go wrong. They take pleasure in telling the world that they knew things would go wrong. This is an important symptom of low self-esteem, and needs to be treated at the earliest.

People with low self-esteem rarely live their life to the fullest. They distance themselves from others, and feel as though they are denied their love and support. They rarely, if ever, make full use of their abilities. Instead, they end up worrying about the injustices of life. 

People suffering from low self-esteem also have the habit of putting themselves down. They repeatedly tell themselves that they are not good enough and that they are bound to fail. Over a period of time this negative self-talk turns into a negative self-belief. More than that, they try and implant these seeds of negativity in people around them. They also gravitate towards people who suffer from similar problems. The end result is that they feed on each other’s negativity, and become much poorer individuals than they initially were. (not good).

A high level of dissatisfaction is another indicator of low self-esteem. There are people who spend all their time complaining. They neither see a positive thing in others nor in themselves. This cynicism eats away their self-belief, and erodes their self-confidence. In contrast, people who value their abilities enjoy high self-esteem and attract positive people.

Also, people with low self-esteem spend most of their time fixated about the past and worrying about the future. They don’t spend enough time living in the present. As a result, they don’t enjoy the present, even though it may be full of success. The net result is that they prevent themselves from enjoying life, and make themselves unhappy. It finally becomes a vicious cycle that feeds upon itself, and prevents them from breaking out of their negative mold.

Such people are rarely relaxed and at ease. They keep looking for different jobs and lines of work. The reason why they are always looking for something else to do is that they are lack self-confidence. They drift from one crisis to another, and blame fate for their woes.

People with low self-esteem also have problems getting close to others. They are not comfortable with intimacy and create barriers to prevent people from coming close to them. They don’t like to open up to people and to reveal their innermost thoughts. They may be nursing some old bad experience with someone who caused them a lot of pain or who let them down when they were most vulnerable. By forcing themselves to live in a world of self-denial they are doing a great damage to themselves. They fail to benefit from the company of others, and keep entrenching themselves deeper and deeper into their negative world. 

So now it is time to FIGHT for your Self-Esteem and become the proud individual you dare to be.

1. Step away from the herd (society telling you what to do), stop listening to what others are saying and start to make decisions for yourself.

2. Understand what is you want in life, find your compass heading (find your direction by unraveling some truths)

3. Commit to your Fight for change.  Tell yourself you are worth it and this is happening for no-one but YOU!

4. Get Clear and start setting goals.  What is it that you love and what is it that you do not like? Journal your thoughts.

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help!

Start you FREE ECourse today to get you started on your Journey "CLICK HERE"

To Your Success 
Leisa Timms

Success Education Entrepreneur 
Zumba / Fitness Coach 
To Contact Leisa "Click Here"

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