Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Extra Income - 10 Fabulous Reasons To Work From Home

There are so many people now opting to work from the comfort of their own homes. Or for that matter even take an online business and travel, give back to the world and spend more time doing what they love.
In today’s Society the J.O.B is just a cause for a load of STRESS, No family time, with rules and obligations having to be met daily.  Why do we choose to go down the path of a J.O.B? because that is what we are taught is the right thing to do. 
Get a good education and a well paying J.O.B.  Well why not have a little more of an Entrepreneurial Spirit and start living around our passions and dreams.  As we get older, we tend to ignore our past dreams thinking that they can never come true.  That is because we stop believing in ourselves.  
10 Fabulous reasons to work from home:
1.       No corporate attire, no answering to a boss
2.       No commuting
3.       No office politics
4.       No MLM, no cold calling, no approaching friends or family
5.       No stress, no overtime
6.       More time FREEDOM
7.       Be in control of your own Schedule and income
8.       Reap the rewards of your benefits
9.       Live your dreams and passions
10.   Be your own CEO and be proud of business you can call your own

Most people start at the bottom in a J.O.B and work their way up into a well-paid J.O.B, but that is where it ends, how much further can you go and do you really want that additional pressure / stress, the added hours and no Time FREEDOM.
It takes courage and spirit to step out of your comfort zone and try something different.  Not all people want to do this, but those with a passion for more, those that have that inclination that they are destined for more, those with drive and motivation to really succeed, these are the people that will find what they are looking for.
I knew deep down that I was worth way more than 80,100,200K per year.  I wanted to be in charge of my earnings, my Time Management and be my own boss.  I wanted to give back to those less fortunate and needed to find a way of doing that through my own endeavours.
I have learnt that life can be whatever you make of it!
I knew that I was a hard worker and always give 100%, if I had this work ethic working for others, just imagine what I could do for myself.  I went in search to make a change and explore the big wide world.  I was not ready to give up my full time job completely, but I was willing to put in an extra 20 hours per week to start something of my own.
I am in the Success Education Industry and to put it simply it is like a business in a box that comes with everything ready to get start immediately and to start making money today!
We offer:
·         Full training, ongoing training and support
·         3 simple step system that truly works
·         Affordable start-up costs
·         We have already made websites converting like crazy for you to use
·         Only requirements are computer, phone, speak English and a can do attitude
This is business of your own, you are in control of every aspect, not a get rich quick scam.
Find out more today! “CLICK HERE”
Grab Your FREE EBOOK in Success Strategies today

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To Your Success 
Leisa Timms

Success Education Entrepreneur 
Zumba / Fitness Coach 
To Contact Leisa "Click Here"

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