Meet Leisa


Hi My Name Is Leisa Timms

Why not bring the FUN back into your life.  What you can expect with my site is a load of fun and interaction to generate Motivation, Enthusiasm and Inspirations.

Sometimes the basic stepping stones to making small changes in your life are through a little guidance and support.

Lets get interactive and share your results.

I Developed this site in order to generate information based around what makes us tick as individuals and what motivates us to make change.

I have been Studying in the Fitness and Health Industry now for some time.  What I found working one on one with people is the need for Personal Development guidance and coaching. The reason for this is our state of mind plays a huge part on our beliefs, decisions, expectations, desires, motivation and willingness to change.  

I also recently started my Deadlock Journey 5th September 2014.  This has been on my bucket list for many years, I always put it off due to work and worry of what others would think.  I recently turned 40 and realised if I could tell my younger self one thing, it would be to live the life I want, not what others want.  So HERE I AM!
The KEY to any SUCCESS is understanding YOURSELF FIRST AND FOREMOST!  Why do you make the decision you do and how you can make changes to impact your life moving forward.......
Through on going studies in my own Personal Development Journey over the past 3 years, I have gained a huge respect for each and every individual, as we are all unique with different triggers that makes us one of a kind. 
I am a qualified Personal Trainer / Fitness Instructor and wellbeing coach currently studying Nutritional Medicine. 
Stay tuned and I look forward to Sharing!

Please see below a little inspiration to brighten your day

 To Your Success
 Leisa Timms

 Success Education Entrepreneur 
 Zumba / Fitness Coach

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